Are you tired of talking about marketing all the time with people? Are you searching for a way via which you can deliver your message to your friends, customers, and viewers where they cannot feel you are talking about marketing?
Yes, there is a way to do this. You can contact them by not letting them know that you are doing your business. You know there are many thought processes, and introspection going on continuously in our subconscious mind. Yes, you got me right you have found the key for your treasure. You just need to place it correctly.
Psychologically our body is not under control many actions are involuntary and here you got the hint and this act will prove to be great for you. According to a research, it is believed that in the motive of seeking the attention of the viewers, overall the increasing number of companies you get only 8.25 seconds time span up to which a viewer will be attentive and decide whether to view it further or not.

Other than all the campaigns you start a smart way by which you can talk to your customers about your product secretly in very casual communication. In this blog, I will tell you various ways by which you can upgrade your customers from a cold prospect to a paying customer.
To explain you about the subconscious mind let me take you back to your childhood where you learned how to walk, run, eat bath, etc. can you recall all the incidents that made the above things happen. Aren’t they a very basic part of our life that we do every day. This is what the subconscious mind is.
You will be amazed to know that according to a survey, every decision we make or any choice we make consciously is already done by our subconscious mind. How will this help you? This comes to a conclusion that all the evaluation done by a viewer after prospecting your Facebook or Instagram post is already done in their subconscious mind.
1. Brain trigger
In all of the other competitors where they are looking out and using social triggers in their advertisements, stand among them differently and chose brain trigger over social ones. To affect the subconscious mind a brain trigger would be more effective than the social one. To hook your audience in one look go for a brain trigger. The mantra for this is seeking their attention.

In a day we look many commercials, some of them strike our minds while others don’t. The main and basic reason behind them is that one grabs your attention while the other fails to do so. Try to present something unique, out of the line and surprising content in your advertisements. Use a pattern to wake them off from their normal mental state.
2. Images
The important part. After grabbing one’s attention you might know the art of maintaining it. After those 8.25 seconds of hitting one’s mind with your content, you should hold it too.
Here images play a great role. In the process of explaining someone the process of starting up their new phone, how will the help book look like if it only has the written part excepting the images? Would it be easy for you?

The whole setting up process would turn up difficult and tricky. This signifies that a wall full of text will not be able to explain to us everything that will do is the images. We require visual to learn and have a good experience. Come up with interesting and creative ideas to present your images. The more you play with them, the more affect you will see.
3. Be Unique
While going for an interview. An interviewer always looks for someone who is different and unique in all the other interviewees. While looking at all the resume with good extracurricular activities and a good academic background. An interviewer looks for someone who knows more than 2 languages or has good connections with the media.

The same thing goes to marketing. The more different you are the more you will be noticed. Find out ways where you stand out among all the other companies. You can have some discount for the first 2 sales the customer does with you or you can plan any other strategy with your marketing team.
4. Position Yourself as New
Come up with ideas which have not been used yet in the market. If you are in a stationary business come up with products like a pen along with a pencil at its back. Or a pen along with an eraser with which it can be erased off. Plan your marketing strategies than can hit your viewers subconsciously.

For having a great impact on your audience always try to use the word new before your product. Also, give a unique name to your product. Come up with different names to trigger the minds of people and let you stand out from the crowd.
5. Hypnotic Language
While converging with the audience repeat your keywords and make them recall all of them. For example; Can you recall what I promised you in the beginning? That you will upgrade your viewers to customers from cold prospects to paying customers.

After this the line of yours will be grabbed by the subconscious mind and they will start believing it, that they had achieved it already. If they skipped your keywords or forgot this, they will pay more attention to your conversation and your work is done. Now you have made your positions in their head you can proceed further from here only. Be careful, plan your moves wisely and strategies them.
By including all the above-mentioned points in your campaigns and advertisements you will surely end up having a secure place in the subconscious mind of your viewers. These all are verified tricks of subconscious marketing which are proven too. Now go edit your advertisements or make a new one, sit with your marketing team and talk to them about all the above points and try to include each one of them.
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